TiPi GLOBAL specializes in the field of baby goods and toys, providing total market expansion services to brand owners. We work closely with brand owners right from the before-launch stage, using most efficient approaches to ensure the successful and sustainable development of the brand.

Unlike developed markets where consumers have high purchasing power and tend to pick quality products, the Vietnamese market is dominated by cheap products which are to serve low-income-per-capital population. Therefore, it is very challenging for a high-end brand to enter the market. Successful market development will require not only a right selective segment strategy but also need deep understanding of local consumer preferences and how to communicate with them effectively. In addition, there will be need for product education for internal staff as well as retailers’ salespeople and even consumers. All these works will be efficiently carried out by our dedicated and skilled team.

Market insights:
market statistics, competition analysis, …
for selective distribution, online and offline sales channels.
marketing strategy with focus on social media, digital platforms that become more and more familiar and reachable to young parents.
of full, convincing, educative product information, attractive graphical assets.
Sales expansion:
sales activities, customer service, after-sale/warranty service.


Our sales expansion is built around 3 pillars:


  • Traditional distribution via physical shops, department stores
  • Online distribution via online shops and collaborators



  • Online marketplaces: Shopee.vn, Lazada.vn, Tiki.vn, …
  • Facebook platform: fanpage, groups
  • E-com site: kidskids.vn



own physical stores (Kidskids)


TiPi GLOBAL has distributed the products through an extensive distribution network including department stores, specialty stores, franchised store chains and local shop chains.

Our distribution channel has built up and expanded rapidly as more and more trusted brands are added to our portfolio.

Our selective distribution is well managed for each brand, that ensures the optimal brand visibility and sales, efficient logistics, bringing in overall productive performance.


E-commerce maintains its popular trend and keeps growing rapidly. Besides, more tools and applications are invented, upgraded, integrated for the purpose of facilitating online trading. Consequently, sellers could take advantage of e-commerce to reach more customers at minimal cost and with least management effort while buyers could shop at ease with minimal concern for any issue regarding the product quality, after-sale service, delivery, …

We are very active on all major online marketplaces in Vietnam such as Shopee.vn, Lazada.vn, Tiki.vn, Sendo.vn, selling and promoting our brands through our official stores with these platforms.

We also operate our own e-commerce site, www.KidsKids.vn, which is currently one of the most specialized and professional e-commerce site for Baby Goods & Kids Toys, that has a mission to offer high quality products to Vietnamese parents and children.

Our online operation is backed by our talented and dedicated digital marketing and content team, who constantly provide support with content update & improvement, social media activities and digital advertisement.

We place great focus on e-commerce and our online sales is expected to contribute bigger and bigger proportion.


We have run our own physical stores, KidsKids, which are located in key department stores and shopping malls. KidsKids stores offer a wide range of Baby Goods & Kids Toys from trusted brands to Vietnamese parents.
At KidsKids, parents enjoy the convenience of shopping and excellent after-sale service.
Our KidsKids store chain follows the concept of shopping-playing, engaging both parents and kids. In every store, certain games, toys are demonstrated and available for trial, playing. Kids are entertained, creating bustling crowd, making shopping more fun and enjoyable